St. Vancouver, ottawa
Cruiseship global Canada
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Languages: English
Native Language:Arabic
Cruiseship global Canada ,
I am Mrs. Dorris grand from Canada , I am the human support manager of Canadian tourist cruise shipping line companies, I wish to inform you that the cruiseshipping tourist need some able men and women, learned and unlearned who are ready to work after undergoing enlistment training in all sectors will work and live within the cruiseshipping tourist companies in the united states, Canada, Europe and Oceania. Cruiseshipping tourist conglomerates will be taken care of your tickets, accommodation and will also assist on visa process in your country of resident as the case maybe. If you wish to take up with this opportunity, do fill free to contact us through the Recruitment office for Cruise Jobs, email address, wishing you all the best as we hope to read back from you, upon your receipt of this mail.
Support Manager,